Recording Their Stories

Published Fri, Jan 26, 24. Written by Michael Lewis.

We decided to start recording their stories, hopefully to put into print in the future. This was our first day of recording. We recorded them in their native language of Pokomchí. From there we will translate to Spanish and then into English. This was day one of recording and we captured two beautiful yet heart-wrenching stories.

First we went to the home of dońa Herlinda Cal Laj. She’s been a widow for 3 years. Her husband took his life. She has 7 children but her 4 oldest boys work on looms making Cortes and work fields by the day for other folks. in the interview when we asked her what was her greatest need at the moment in time, she said that she was content and at peace.


Next we visited the widow Katarina Coy of 99 years-she lives with son and daughter in law (in Katarina’s home).


Dona Rosaria Cojoc Ical, lives with 1 son and 3 grands-need some boards for their walls that have potato sack bags and pieces of cardboard covering from elements. Could use a couple beds as she sleeps on the floor on two boards and the other 4 sleep in a bed smaller than a twin. Making a list of prices to submit.


Dońa Rosa Cal- she needs a new home. Her grandkids sold her land out from under her. She is homeless but has a small piece she can build on. Checking on helping her with this.